Bobbi & the Strays update and Ten Commandments

Bobbi & the Strays sent us a thank you letter for caring about their shelter. (Click here to read my previous post about Bobbi, )

According to the letter, their housing situation, they are now on a month to month lease at the Vetport. They are still searching desperatley for a new home. Your support will help them to reach thier goal to find and found, a new building for their homeless, abanoned, and abused animals thoughout the NYC area. They rely on your donation and dedication of sponsors like you who care deeply about thier mission. They will continue to push forward toward their goal of raising $1,000,000.00.

If you wish to help Bobbi & the Strays, please visit their website for more information.


Have you ever heard of The Ten Commandments of Pet Ownership? If not, I’d like to share with you.

“The Ten Commandments of Pet Ownership” 

When you adopt me my life is likely to last 15 to 20 years. Please don’t forsake me, any separation from you will be very painful.


Please give me time to understand what it is you want from me. Change can be more difficult for me than for you.


Please trust me and help me to trust you… it is crucial for my well being as well as yours.


Don’t be angry with me for too long, and don’t lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, your entertainment. I have only YOU.


Talk to me. Even if I don’t understand your words, I understand your voice when you’re speaking to me.


Be aware that however you treat me, I’ll never forget it.


Before you hit me, remember that I have teeth that could easily crush the bones in your hand, but I choose not to hurt you.


Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Is there another reason for my behavior? Perhaps I’m not getting the right food, or I’ve been out in the sun too long, and my heart may be getting old and weak. Try to understand what it is like to be me.


Please take care of me when I get old. Don’t abandon me, for you, too, will grow old.


Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say, “I can’t bear to watch it”, or, “Let it happen in my absence.” I need you with me even at the end of my journey. Please always do what is best for me even if it is unbearable for you to do so – because I love you and trust that you will.


~Author Unknown

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About noa & ash

meow! a photo diary from new yorkitties *noa & ash* we are sooo cute & fun to watch! we will make you smile ;) let us introduce more... again, we are super cute kitties! silver tabby is ash, and gold tabby is noir, call me noa. we were born on august 08, '06 (not exactly, coz nobody knows. maman made up the date!) somewhere in new york city we met our maman & papan at madison square garden on oct 14 '06. they had a huge adoption event. yep, we were one of kitties who looked for a home. since then we live happily with them at one of apartments in new york city. this photoblog is our photo diary. updated every day!!

5 thoughts on “Bobbi & the Strays update and Ten Commandments

  1. layla



  2. noa & ash Post author

    Hi Layla,
    10 commandments of pet ownershipの日本語は
    1. 私の一生はだいたい15年から20年。あなたと離れるのが一番つらいことです。どうか、私と暮らす前にそのことを覚えておいて欲しい。
    2. あなたが私に何を求めているのか、私がそれを理解するまで待って欲しい。
    3. 私を信頼して欲しい、それが私の幸せなのだから。
    4. 私を長い間叱ったり、罰として閉じ込めたりしないで欲しい。あなたには他にやる事があって、楽しみがあって、友達もいるかもしれない。でも、私にはあなたしかいないから。
    5. 話しかけて欲しい。言葉は分からなくても、あなたの声は届いているから。
    6. あなたがどんな風に私に接したか、私はそれを全て覚えていることを知って欲しい。
    7. 私を殴ったり、いじめたりする前に覚えておいて欲しい。私は鋭い歯であなたを傷つけることができるにもかかわらず、あなたを傷つけないと決めていることを。
    8. 私が言うことを聞かないだとか、頑固だとか、怠けているからといって叱る前に、私が何かで苦しんでいないか考えて欲しい。もしかしたら、食事に問題があるかもしれないし、長い間日に照らされているかもしれない。それか、もう体が老いて、弱ってきているのかもしれないと。
    9. 私が年を取っても、私の世話をして欲しい。あなたもまた同じように年を取るのだから。
    10. 最後のその時まで一緒にいて欲しい。言わないで欲しい、「もう見てはいられない。」、「私ここにいたくない。」などと。あなたが隣にいてくれることが私を幸せにするのだから。忘れないで下さい、私はあなたを愛しています。

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